To provide and support cultural and educational programs for residents of two moderate income housing developments, Amalgamated Housing and Park Reservoir Housing and members of the general public in the surrounding north Bronx.
The president is listed as Ed Yaker. Robert Massre who is the finance manager of the Amalgamated Housing is listed as the person who keeps the books. The other officers are listed as Brad Silver, Vice President, Howard Kamiel, Vice President, Howard Leventhal, Secretary, and Jack Spiegel , Teasurer
The paid preparer is listed as Stephen W. Beer of the firm
Czarnowski & Beer.
The firm Czarnowski & Beer are the independent auditors of the Amalgamated Housing.
The ties between the Amalgamated Houses and the Herman Liebman Memorial Fund are so knotted together that I feel that at any meeting where the Amalgamated board of directors are present should also be a time when questions can be asked about the Herman Liebman Memorial Fund.